Star Spencer High School
Class of 1984
The sandwich plea

It was getting pretty cclose to Graduation time,  and I was never into school untilwhen the time came  for counting credits. .Being that since I played alot during the school year and neverhrMrs.Factory and try to make things right so I could Grauate on time.. I did just that.  I met with her with a Big ole Sandwich in a plastic baggie and a napkin and actually tried to Bribe Mrs.Factory into letting me Graduate and aftet she laughed so hard about my pleas,  she told me,  No. Worries Kilpatrick cause you gotta go! Thank you Mrs.Factory!  :-)

Kindalyn Kilpatrick
The sandwich plea

It was getting pretty cclose to Graduation time,  and I was never into school untilwhen the time came  for counting credits. .Being that since I played alot during the school year and neverhrMrs.Factory and try to make things right so I could Grauate on time.. I did just that.  I met with her with a Big ole Sandwich in a plastic baggie and a napkin and actually tried to Bribe Mrs.Factory into letting me Graduate and aftet she laughed so hard about my pleas,  she told me,  No. Worries Kilpatrick cause you gotta go! Thank you Mrs.Factory!  :-)

Kindalyn Kilpatrick
Trying to ditch with Pinky and Becky

I remember seeing our Spanish teacher in the mall a couple of years after graduating.  She gave me a hug and said "you were so good with you conversations."  Yes, everyday she would make us pair up and have a conversation in spanish with someone. So I went ahead and told her while laughing hysterically that one of here students...who shall remain nameless would mouth me the words silently and in turn I would do the same for them. lol She said "where was I?"  I said in the classroom listening to our well studied for conversations. lol

Spanish was a breeze lol

Dont be thrown off by the title of the other story.  I changed my mind on the story I would tell.  Dangit forgot to change the title. lol

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