Star Spencer High School
Class of 1984
Levi Jeans

I remember, when Angela Payne and I use to ride together to the football and basketball games.  We both would wear Levi Jeans with heels, Sometime she would drive her mothers car or I would also drive my mothers car. Then we would go to the after party then to McDonald on Lincoln, Long John Silvers .  Those were good times!


Melia Ballard
The Slide

I remember walking down the hall to go in Ms. Monet' office with a cake. I thought I was cute in my new pair of heels. Well, someone opened the door in the drama room, and I fell, and slid passed the office on my knees...but I didn't drop the cake!!!

ShaRhonda Burton
jumping the fence!!

I remember when me shelly, stephanie,sonya and melody jumped the fence to go get candy, and when we returned we thought we had got away with it and Mr. Vroman the principle at rogers called us to the office and we got swats!!!

Zena Boone

I remember when we had a pep assembly and we had on our uniform, we decided to leave school and go to Northeast because we heard they were having one too. So we went and the principal met us at the door and told us to come in and enjoy ourselves, not knowing he went and got on the phone and called our principal Dr. Ed and said some of his students was there at Northeast......when we returned to Star Spencer, Dr. Ed was waiting for us, we had three choices, swats, suspension, and inhouse suspension......Well mindless to say i picked in-house for three days. From that day on i learned to be a leader and not a follower. 

Ada Walker
Graduation Night

Myself, Michelle Kendrick, Teresa Dallas, Joyce Nichols and Larry Kendrick, Michelles brother, went out TP'ing houses after graduation. We egged some cars, but we TP'd our own houses to throw off any suspicion that we were the culprits. Called ourselves the 84 Bandits! lol We got in trouble when we came home at 3am, but it was so much fun and I will never forget that night. Just wish I could remember which of us had the pictures of all the fun we had!!

Joann Nichols
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